40 before forty – the journey starts

nicky5I’m a 39-year old single girl living in beautiful Jozi – mom to my gorgeous pup, Chuckles; daughter; sister; aunty to my precious niece, Abi; friend; listener; encourager; adventurer; runner (which may be a flattering term for what I do); lawyer, mountain climber; champagne drinker and generally someone who welcomes a challenge, and goes out to disprove stereotypes and beat the odds.

In six short months’ time, I’ll be turning 40 – which has me filled with much trepidation and anxiety, on the one hand, wondering is this the end? Not just the end of my 30s, but the end of some family life choices, and the end of being regarded as still being relatively young and adventurous? On, the other hand, the anxiety has been coupled with some nervous excitement – maybe it’s just the beginning? Beginning of my 40s, and a time to live with meaning, passion and to find hope along the way? Given the trepidation and anxiety, however, I decided to make sure that I live these next six months deliberately, and that I don’t just float my way through them – only to look back and wonder how quickly the big four-oh arrived and what exactly I had done to welcome it in!

So, I decided to compile a list of 40 things I’d like to do in the next six months – a type of bucket list if you like – and asked my family and friends for help by giving suggestions of what I should put on my list. I only provided a few guidelines – they should be things that challenge me, make me smile, create memories… nothing financially extravagant – so they should at least be somewhat realistic.  

I received far more than 40 suggestions – but have now managed to pare it down to 40 (which shall be revealed in my first post).  And why am I blogging about this? Well one of my “40 before forty” items is to finally start blogging, which I’ve been threatening to do for years. So this blog will follow my 40 before forty journey – thanks for being part of my journey, and contributing your ideas! I’m super excited for the next six months and I’m looking forward to sharing it with you.

Categories: Uncategorized | 14 Comments

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14 thoughts on “40 before forty – the journey starts

  1. Phyllis Hull

    Goooo Nicky!
    This will be a wonderful adventure for a wonderful person.
    Thank you for the invitation to “join you”…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Anne van der Westhuizen

    Firstly- what a wonderful page. Your artistic and writing skills are very evident. What an honour to be part of this journey, and what an honour to call you my daughter. Let this be the beginning of greater things in your life, xxx


  3. Janet Maxwell

    Awesome, can’t wait t read all about your 40 before 40. Jealous I didn’t do the same…. Might do 50 for 50, see you are inspiring me!


    Liked by 1 person

  4. Michelle

    Such a great idea Nix! Enjoy every moment!


  5. Veruschka van breda

    Look forward to following you!


  6. Virginia Scott

    Wonderful idea! Have always enjoyed your writing. Good luck.


  7. Hayley Ivins Downes

    Awesome Nicks a great start


  8. Edna

    How awesome is this


  9. Noelle

    Nicky, you are an inspiration. Thank you for this. I can’t wait to read your next blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Benjie

    Well done my girl – looking forward to the first item – or was starting the blog number one?


    • nw001

      Starting the blog was number one, Dad 🙂 But the rest will follow soon enough. HDBKB xxx


  11. Pingback: Coffee & Catch up | Doing Midlife Gracefully - Clean Living Chronicles

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